“Invites you to embrace a lifestyle where every choice makes a difference.”

Garret found his calling amidst the serene landscapes of Alentejo, where he embarked on a heartfelt journey to restore his grandparents' house with the help of friends.

Surrounded by the sea and rolling hills, this picturesque setting became both his sanctuary and a wellspring of inspiration. Transitioning from urban life, Garret now thrives in the blockchain industry, working remotely while remaining mindful of its environmental impact. His architectural background lends a unique perspective to his fascination with blockchain's potential, driven by a desire to innovate responsibly.

At the heart of Alentejo, Garret fosters community through "Garret Weekend Getaways," where friends and visitors gather to share experiences and forge meaningful connections. Inspired by Alentejo's strong sense of community, Garret transcends generational and cultural divides, emphasizing sustainability and personal growth.

For Garret, sustainability isn't just a trend—it's a way of life. From biking to the local market to supporting small scale farming initiatives, he integrates eco-conscious practices into his daily routine. Driven by curiosity and self-motivation, Garret embodies Sacoor Blue's principles of continuous learning and growth. His journey is a testament to the brand's dedication to authenticity, sustainability, and a purpose driven lifestyle.